China Rising
Looking at the natal chart for the People’s Republic of China can inform us about a few things.
The most important aspect to consider when looking at Chinese political and cultural history is that this is not a new, fledgling nation. Regardless of the People’s Republic being founded in 1949, China is ancient. More than 4000 years of history is impossible to overlook. It’s the oldest civilization still standing.
Approaching Chinese cultural history from a longview perspective reveals where the Western mindset woefully missteps. When you found a nation based on the tenets of freedom, there is nothing substantial to hold onto. You might as well found a nation on nomadic principles. There is no center, no formidable structure and no real future plan. It is every man for himself.
We can chalk this up to experience and wisdom. China certainly has a flawed human rights record, but we cannot deny the ways in which they’ve sustained themselves for thousands of years.
Because good research requires being objective, we need to look at their most recent natal chart to determine what might play out for China.
With the Ascendant at 1 degree Aquarius rising, the October 1, 1949 chart shows Uranus (though Saturn in traditional astrology) as the chart ruler. Interpreting Uranus as chart ruler reveals a propensity towards technological innovation, subverting paradigms and liberation. The civil war that began in the 1940s proves how powerfully this chart changed Chinese politics.
The ascendant is also conjunct the fixed star Altair (2 degrees Aquarius), which is part of the Aquila constellation. ‘Altair’ is an abbreviation of the Arabic phrase “an-nasr-at-ta-ir”, or “the flying eagle”. Altair embodies a militarized, unyielding strength. The Eagle is the national bird of the U.S. and not an uncommon choice to represent hegemony. China does have the largest army in the world and the second highest defense budget after the U.S.
With the moon conjunct the ascendant at 3 degrees Aquarius, it is also conjunct Altair. Generally, we associate the moon with feminine energy, procreation and emotion. Moon conjunct ascendant can be very instinctual and responsive to others, but moon conjunct Altair is more contentious. In ancient texts, it was cited as misfortune for children. It isn’t surprising that women became so devalued in China.
Women were restricted from having more than 2 children and boys were considered preferable. Uranus at 4 degrees Cancer in the 5th house of children forms a quincunx with the moon in Aquarius. Quincunxes are often considered minor aspects, but quite a few astrologers disagree. It is a quixotic kind of disharmony; an unsettling discomfort. Particularly involving Uranus and the moon – it’s almost as if fertility is seen as strange and unpredictable.
The North Node in the 2nd house at 16 degrees Aries illuminates the future path for China. To be independent, financially solvent and trailblazing is part of their evolution. However, the Libra stellium in the 8th house in opposition reveals an obsession with loyalty and zero tolerance for betrayal.
The Sun, Mercury and Neptune conjunct the south node shows an addiction to delusion and secrecy. In the Libra 8th house of shared resources, sex and death, there is almost an occult-like fascination with co-dependency. This explains why the Chinese government is considered a bit of a wild card. No one is really sure what they are going to do.
Neptune regales stories of fantasy and deception. In the 8th house, Sun and Mercury conjunct Neptune encourage abuse, both inflicted and received. With this stellium in Libra, it could be why China hasn’t fought in a land war or invaded another country since Vietnam in 1979. Libra seeks balance and some degree of harmony. However, the dark side of Libra in the 8th house is something else entirely. China’s war in Vietnam was personal and brutal.
Then leader Deng Xiaoping felt betrayed by Vietnam when it ended up aligning with Russia instead, after both nations had helped defend Vietnam against the U.S. Deng was also the leader who ordered the massacre of students in 1989 Tienanmen Square. His ongoing political strategy: “hide our strength, bide our time”.
The last and most important feature in this chart is Mars conjunct Pluto in Leo in the 7th house of partnerships. The U.S. natal chart also has Mars in the 7th house (21 degrees Gemini), but Mars conjunct Pluto is far more formidable. These are the only two planets associated with war and aggression. In the 7th house (which is ruled by Libra), this can mean contentious relationships.
Pluto is also tightly square Venus in Scorpio, which can be unrelenting in pursuit of success and financial gain.
Let’s look now at the solar return chart for China. I was going to include the natal chart for Taiwan but their political system has gone through so many revisions that I’m not sure which date to use.
I cast the solar return charts for 2022 and 2023-2025 but nothing stood out with cause for concern. October 1, 2026, however, has a lot of activity.
Pluto will conjunct China’s natal moon exactly in the 1st house of physical appearance and oppose Mars in Leo by 2 degrees in the 7th house. Mars conjunct the Descendant is generally not auspicious. Not only because it’s in opposition to Pluto, but also because it is conjunct the house of partnerships. 7th house activity we should play close attention to, since that is the house of the natal Mars-Pluto conjunction.
Jupiter will also conjunct natal Pluto separating by 2 degrees, which means something noteworthy might happen in the month prior to this solar return. Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions are usually explosive in some way. Jupiter will also be making an exact square with natal Venus in the 9th house of foreign relations.
Saturn will be applying an opposition to China’s Neptune in the 2nd house, also forming a quincunx with natal Saturn. As transiting Saturn approaches a conjunction with the natal north node in Aries, China might be forced to take its financial independence more seriously. Neptune transiting the 2nd house also in opposition is likely to produce financial conflict and stressful relationships.
But potentially concerning is Uranus in Gemini in the 4th house opposing natal Chiron in Sagittarius in the 10th. Uranus-Chiron in hard aspect is usually unsettling. Particularly an exact opposition doesn’t look good. Giving the house of pain an electric shock could potentially be a powder keg. Since Chiron is in the 10th house of public standing, a jolt from Uranus in the 4th house of domesticity could mean an attack on China’s home front. Uranus will also be only 3 degrees away from its natal return in the U.S. chart at that time.