Imperialism in Plain Sight
I have a blind spot when it comes to Donald Trump getting elected as president. I was in complete denial in both 2016 and, of course, this most recent election. I mentioned in my last post that Pluto returning to 29 degrees of Capricorn (September 2nd to November 19th) would uphold conservative values in a concentrated, albeit destructive way. The election inconveniently occurred in the midst of this transit; however, I still couldn’t imagine a textbook response to this astrological weather.
I am curious what will occur once Pluto re-enters Aquarius for good for the next 20 years. There is a full moon on November 15th at 24 degrees of Taurus, which will conjunct Trump’s Midheaven. Uranus is still at 25 degrees of Taurus, so this lunation might be dramatic for Trump in some way.
He is already trying to push through legislation that would greatly affect our civil liberties. Until he is inaugurated, don’t assume his re-entry into the White House will be a smooth transition. The astrological cards will be stacked against him.
Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for the American people who have been drinking the cool aid for most of their lives. We have never lived in a democracy. That was a marketing campaign used to disguise the true nature of imperialism. A nation this large could never have been a democracy. If Americans were given a chance to vote on real issues, like health care, the economy, fair wages, education or genocide, then we could claim some semblance of democracy. But he we are, with imperialism in plain sight.
I don’t blame those who foolishly voted for him. I don’t blame my fellow Americans for the crisis we are currently facing, because that was going to happen regardless of who is in office. I blame them for being complacent and not seeing the bigger picture.
Uranus is the great disrupter. It will be hovering within 1 degree of Trump’s Midheaven (the house of career) until late April 2025. Trump has significant Uranus aspects in his natal chart (sun and north node conjunct Uranus), which is why he has been known to be a loose cannon. Uranus is wild card energy.
Transiting Uranus conjunct the Midheaven is extremely destabilizing. Trump will have his plate so full that it will be difficult for him to seek revenge against his enemies while tending to his responsibilities. That doesn’t mean he won’t try, however. He has stepped into a savior role for which he is simply not qualified. It will become clearer as the months progress that his megalomania is far more important to him than “saving” America.
The America that white privilege remains wistful about was a unique period in history. Bretton Woods (read previous posts about U.S. economics) was a post-war agreement that really didn’t benefit anyone born after the baby boomers. If you are/were a straight, white male who had the means to go to college, you had opportunities subsequent generations did/do not have.
Also, because of classism, way too many people ended up going to law school and medical school. How many doctors and lawyers do we possibly need? Many Americans used education to seek status and wealth, not to attend to the needs of their communities. Trade schools have all but disappeared, though electricians, plumbers, welders and mechanics make an exceptionally good living.
The American people chose the most iconic representative of wealth and privilege as president. A man who has never had to work a day in his life. A man who has used lawlessness and privilege to take whatever he wants. He isn’t even really a successful business man, having filed for bankruptcy more than a few times.
Even Trump cannot save the America that’s existed for the last 70+ years. And why would we want him to? It hasn’t been all that great for most of us and has been unbearable for those marginalized. If the dollar eventually gets replaced as the reserve currency, Americans might actually get an opportunity to live without the crushing weight of inflation. I’m not saying inflation would disappear, but a nation that is swimming in debt certainly hasn’t helped most Americans live an economically manageable life.
We do need to get honest about how America achieved its superpower status. Without the support of billionaires and major world wars, the United States would have never ended up on top. It certainly wasn’t because of decency and democracy.
When the lunar nodes move into Pisces and Virgo at the end of January 2025, Neptune will conjunct the north node in Pisces through the end of April. Not only will this be an unstable time for Trump, but Neptune as co-pilot will not paint a very reassuring picture.
When Saturn and Neptune are co-present and conjunct in Aries starting in May 2025, the future will not look particularly promising. Bretton Woods happened during a Saturn-Neptune square, so there will likely be many ideas floating amidst disillusionment and confusion. In Aries, it might seem like something new is rising from the ashes, but it’s unlikely it will be well received.
Trump’s approval rating dramatically declined during Covid, so imagine what might happen as war escalates. He claimed to be against the war during his campaign, but ending the ongoing wars is far beyond his jurisdiction. He cannot rescue us from war any more than Biden could rescue student debt. That is purely lip-service. Remind yourself to forget about what any politician says and focus on their actions.
2025 is the solar maximum of our current solar cycle. This means peak temperatures and peak activity. Solar cycles last roughly 11 years. Like looking at a line graph, they begin with a trough of low activity, peak around 5-5.5 years, then decline to a trough for the remaining 5 years. Then the cycle begins again.
1980-81, 1990-91, 2000-2001, and 2015-16 were all peaks. Pretty significant events in American history have occurred, even without looking at the specific astro-weather.
2025-26 has all the markers for war escalation. We will get through it, but it will be even harder to stomach than it is now.
I was talking to a friend recently who thought my interest/research of astrology was completely bogus and nuts. I’ve blogged about this before – astrology is merely a language. It is certainly not gospel. Like any discipline or course of study (particularly something like psychology), it is used as a tool to awaken personal agency. We do not have to be zombies at the mercy of fate. We do still have free will. Imperialism is yet another tool, though it was designed to do the opposite: to suppress personal and collective agency.
When you become aware that the world around you is a construction – something that you did not create but that was handed to you – you begin your personal revolution. If enough individuals come together to form a collective revolution, new realities can be created. This isn’t wishful thinking. This requires being actively engaged and not becoming a zombie. Pluto in Aquarius will give us this opportunity, whether we want it or not.