our medical future
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius that happened at the end of 2020 bookended a 200+ year cycle of earth. The next 200 years of air will be a dramatic, albeit gradual shift. From a spiritual perspective, this can be a truly remarkable time. From a material perspective, matters like food, medicine, finances and ownership will be very unstable.
Lawsuits and litigation against pharmaceutical companies notwithstanding, we should brace ourselves for the next 20+ years of medical tyranny. This isn’t to say that doctors and healing professions will be at the helm of this. This is about rising health care costs becoming completely unsustainable.
What do you do when a system fails you? You start realizing the ways in which it wasn’t serving you from the beginning.
Toxins in our environment are beyond a tipping point. Chemical manufacturing has developed both the poison and the antidote and made a fortune off of both. Critical thinking is more crucial that ever in regards to understanding human health. Whomever is trying to sell you some new product or technology that will make you invincible is straight up lying to you. Or lying to themselves.
Pharmaceutical companies have capitalized on a belief in human fragility. The presumption that eating a healthy diet is not enough to maintain optimal health is a fallacy. It is the most effective health strategy out there and always has been. Eating a diet laden with toxins and preservatives is what has made us sick and therefore dependent upon medicine. It isn’t that we are naturally weak.
The concept of a healthy diet is not a classist idea either. You can be remarkably healthy on a diet of vegetables, fruits, potatoes, rice and occasional animal protein. Some of the poorest nations of the world are some of the healthiest.
The top three requirements for good health and longevity are: (1) access to fresh produce and cereal crops for good nutrition (2) access to clean water and good sanitation and (3) access to environments with low toxicity like clean air.
Clean water and good sanitation are responsible for drastically lowering mortality rates – not vaccines. If you live in an industrialized nation, it’s easy to take for granted something so basic. Without access to clean water, your life expectancy is dramatically reduced.
Heart conditions will be on the rise during the next 20+ years. While I’m not encouraging anyone to forego life saving medication, try to minimize your over-dependence on medicine. I tried to live without thyroid medication and it was a disaster. There are enough helpful advances in medicine to remind us that we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater; however, take only what you absolutely need from pharmaceuticals. The rest you can forget about.
Pluto will transit through Aquarius a couple of years longer than it transits through Capricorn. As Aquarius rules the heart and circulation, what is good for the heart will start to become more important.
High stress, poor diet and spiritual degradation are terrible for the heart. That this organ manages to keep blood circulating throughout our bodies without our conscious awareness is miraculous. If our conscious minds were in charge of regulating every vital organ function in our bodies, we’d be dead in minutes.
It will probably take at least 20 years for industrialized nations to recover from systemic collapse. By the fall of 2045, Uranus and Pluto will make their first opposition in Virgo and Pisces. Uranus and Pluto haven’t aligned in hard aspect since their conjunction in Virgo in the late 1960s. 20 years of Aquarian breakdowns will help prepare us for the massive energy of that transit.
Gather ye rosebuds now. This will begin in 2023-2024. Find your communities and strengthen each other. Let go of whatever no longer serves your well being. If Uranus officially rules Aquarius, then prepare for liberation. But the major revolution happens with Uranus opposite Pluto.