Scorpio South Node
The nodal axis returns to the same position every 18-19 years. The last time the south node was transiting through Scorpio was mid-April 2003 until late December 2004.
The nodes move about one and a half to two degrees every month, beginning at 29 degrees of a sign and working backwards to 0 degrees, which takes about 18-20 months.
Similar themes from the previous cycle begin circulating again during a nodal return. The main themes from 2003-2004 we see happening in 2022: electricity/fuel/power grid shortages, war/invasion and the recall or resignation of elected officials.
The rolling blackouts in California happened in 2000-2001, but the recall of Governor Gray Davis didn’t happen until October 2003, during the first 6 months of the nodes transiting Taurus (north node) and Scorpio (south node). August 2003 was when a major energy blackout hit the Northeastern United States. FirstEnergy Corporation in Ohio was the culprit.
The cause of the rolling blackouts in California turned out to be a scandal for which Enron Corporation was responsible, ultimately forcing them into bankruptcy. This is because Enron brokers created an artificial electricity shortage by taking power plants offline, then raising prices by 800% or more. They were cooking their books, in other words. This maneuver was made possible by the deregulation of electric utilities in the 1990s.
Blackouts may be imminent for California in 2022. An emergency notice was sent out to Californians this week that they must try to conserve energy due to recent high expenditures.
On September 28, 2003, a major blackout happened in Italy and Switzerland. This was apparently due to a fault in the Swiss transmission system. This affected more than 56 million people across Italy and parts of Switzerland for about 48 hrs. This event is ultimately what led to the separation of Italy from the rest of the European power grid. It was hugely significant for the future of European energy.
We can understand electrical problems with Uranus transiting through Taurus and activating the north node in Taurus (and Mars) as recently as early August 2022. But are electrical grid problems a Taurus/Scorpio theme? It’s not specifically about energy. It’s about commodities.
If the south node reveals issues that are keeping us trapped in the past, Scorpio is obsessed with rooting out corruption, as it rules joint resources. Honing in on any form of corruption is a Taurus-Scorpio preoccupation. The main reason electricity/power/natural gas are themes is because they are tradable commodities.
Financial corruption might as well be the headline for 2022. More than 50 members of Parliament resigned from Prime Minster Boris Johnson’s leadership in the UK because of corruption. Johnson eventually stepped down himself.
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi also recently resigned as his economic policies pushed the Italian economy to the brink of collapse. Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin resigned in January along with his entire cabinet amidst rising fuel costs protests.
Back in 2004, two major resignations happened in the United States. Secretary of State Colon Powell resigned from George Bush’s cabinet after his reelection in November. CIA director George Tenet also resigned after the agency admitted they had no proof of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They had lied, essentially.
2004 was also when the torture of prisoners by U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib was exposed on 60 minutes. Also in 2004, an American civilian contractor, Nick Berg, was beheaded on video by members of Al-Queda in retaliation for Abu Ghraib. Facebook also launched in 2004.
The Beslan School Massacre, the deadliest school shooting in human history, happened in Russia on September 1, 2004. 333 people were murdered, 186 were children. A group of Chechen terrorists demanding Russian withdrawal from Chechnya were the perpetrators.
A solid example of Scorpio energy really demonstrating its powerful will would be when Jupiter entered Scorpio in October 2017. This was when the #MeToo movement really blew up with national attention for high profile cases of sexual misconduct. Sexual corruption is most definitely a Scorpio concern.
If the Taurus-Scorpio axis concerns revolve around ownership, money, joint resources, life and death cycles, food, reproduction, corruption and loyalties, we can look a little deeper at the events of 2022. Many of these themes are dominating the socio-political landscape right now.
The nodal axis will move into Aries-Libra by July of 2023.