Ukraine has fought for its independence for more than a century. The region has been conquered by various empires since the 13th century. This has mostly to do with its prime geographic location. Not only is it the gateway between Russia and Europe, it is also coastal, thus a major hub for the import and export of goods to major markets like China and the Middle East. Its also extremely rich in natural resources.
Becoming one of the founding members of the United Nations in 1945, it wasn’t until the collapse of the Soviet Union that Ukraine really started to change its destiny. Owning 30% of the Soviet military industry, Ukraine agreed to return Russia’s nuclear weapons after their independence was declared in 1991; however, strong competition in weapons manufacturing led Ukraine to become one of the leading networks in the arms trade on the black market. Ukraine became, and remains, the world leader in missile-related technology.
While the surrendering of nuclear weapons from the Ukraine to Russia was agreed to, non-antagonism was not. Meaning, Ukraine gave the weapons back, but did not fully commit to not acquiring more. Ukraine’s claim to rightful “nuclear ownership” had a legal precedent, but this entirely undermined ongoing political negotiations. What was the purpose of Ukraine and the U.S. signing nuclear disarmament peace treaties with Russia when there was no intention of following through?
You can see why Russia would be upset. You can also see why Ukraine, with its civilians vulnerable and its government dead set on independence, would be unwilling to completely surrender weapons protection. And you can also see why the United States, once the world leader in nuclear warhead manufacturing (now one-upped by Russia), would be invested in making sure Ukraine had ample weapons support against Russia. This was pre-invasion, by the way.
Let’s look at the chart of Ukraine.
If you look at the 7th house (and have read my post on the USA), you can see a very similar stellium there that resembles the U.S. chart. This is a nation highly dependent upon on relationships.
Most notably, Mars in the 7th house at 25 degrees Virgo. Mars in Virgo is interested in physically detailed work. In the 7th house of relationships, this can result in detailed manufacturing in the world of trade. But since it’s Mars, relationship building can go both ways. It can be efficient, but it can also be very critical in Virgo.
Ukraine’s Mars is making a 3-degree conjunction with the U.S. Neptune at 22 degrees Virgo in the 9th house. This makes their relationship one of both idealization and shadiness. Mars-Neptune conjunctions in synastry are often based in fantasy.
The 7th house stellium focuses on relationships most of all, and in Leo, there’s a kind of regal generosity. Opposing the moon at 22 degrees Aquarius (most specifically Jupiter and Mercury), there’s potential for good diplomacy but also grandiose ideas. Again, Ukraine’s moon is conjunct the U.S. moon within 5 degrees. These are nations that strongly identify with each other beyond just sharing a common enemy.
Pluto in Scorpio in the 9th house of foreign relations. This can foster strong international ties, but also aggression. North Korea’s chart also has Pluto in the 9th house, if that helps explain a little.
Pluto in the 9th is interested in higher learning and the philosophies of other cultures. But it doesn’t learn the 9th house lessons from a place of safety and familiarity. Actually experiencing other cultures is part of Pluto’s destiny here. Without this openness, Pluto in the 9th can suffer from narrow world views and the harsh judgement of other belief systems.
Uranus in the 11th house of groups and friendships in Capricorn denotes major instability. Issues with authority figures is strong. Violence against various ethnic groups in Ukraine, including Russian people, has been an ongoing problem. Whether the government has encouraged insurrection is a matter of debate, but Ukraine has been dealing with internal hate crimes for at least two decades.
Neptune conjunct the north node in Capricorn in the 12th house of illusion does not seem auspicious. At least not politically. As a nation of artists, this might be a positive, dreamy aspect. But for a nation seeking stability, not so great. The 12th house can sometimes function as an in-between world; a Piscean dream realm.
Chiron in the 6th house in Leo is conjunct the Descendant, or the house of partnerships. Chiron conjunct the Descendant can lead to relationships increasing a feeling of pain. Wounding is a theme here. In the 6th house of work and service, Ukraine has a determination to heal relations but is blocked by an inability to address their own pain.
Saturn at 1 degree Aquarius in the 12th house suggests feeling blocked or perhaps trapped in the past. If the 12th house is the house of dreams, then Saturn here is deep in contemplation. He wants to be taken seriously but feels a bit lost.
Saturn is close to the natal Ascendant at 6 degrees Aquarius. Zelensky’s Sun is at 5 degrees of Aquarius, making him a resonant figurehead to lead the nation. While Zelensky is a great showman, he was elected to fix Ukraine’s civil unrest. Like China’s ascendant in Aquarius, the chart rulership theme is liberation and paradigm shifts. The important thing to ask here: is this a nation thinking more about the future than the present?
Rather than spend too much time worrying about who is the biggest monster in the ultimate monstrosity of war, the purpose of looking at nations’ charts is to help understand the moves in a chess game. What conscious and unconscious motivations set events in motion? Are planetary transits that powerful as to make human beings pawns?
While yes, planetary transits are that powerful, the degree to which they are cataclysmic is entirely dependent on how unconscious the players are. This is about understanding that our humanity is capable of more than just walking blindly into disaster after disaster.