Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin is certainly no Saint, but his natal chart explains both his formidable power and psychological struggles. Since the accuracy of his birth time is poor, I will focus primarily on the planetary aspects of his chart rather than the houses.
With his two brothers dying before his entry into the world after WWII (one of starvation after the Nazi siege of Leningrad), Putin was born an only child. Studying law and eventually joining the KGB, he proved to be extremely bright and resourceful.
His natal Pluto is conjunct the south node in Leo within 3 degrees. If he was indeed born at 9:30 am, then this would mean the Midheaven (M.C) would also conjunct Pluto.
Pluto conjunct the south node reveals severe trauma in a past life. Sometimes unfathomable pain. Whether there are repressed memories of victimizing others or of victimhood, Pluto conjunct the south node is born carrying a heavy karmic burden. Putin was certainly born into post-war trauma.
WIth the south node conjunct the Midheaven, or 10th house career angle, this is someone who enters this life feeling a sense of professional destiny. It is a solitary, Saturnian-like journey. Even in Leo, the memories of being the star or on stage lack a feeling of fulfillment. Jupiter square the south node/Midheaven really drives this desire a bit further – wanting to be noticed and taken seriously. The desire for wealth and attention is high.
Pluto conjunct the Midheaven is ultimately about being powerful in one’s profession. It’s not as intense as having Pluto conjunct personal planets like Mars for example (like Hillary Clinton has). Adolf Hitler had Pluto in the 8th house of his natal chart. An 8th house Pluto is a double dose of Underworld themes like death, destruction and secrets. Hitler also was born during a rare Neptune-Pluto conjunction that happens about every 500 years.
While the Midheaven conjunct the south node asserts the need to accomplish great things in one’s career, it often seems like emotional support is lacking. Honor, duty and honesty are very important to the native, but what they really seek is family, or the north node in the 4th house.
The Aquarian 4th house ideal seeks the collective family. While Putin has often been accused of being too conservative in his acts of censorship or hypervigilance regarding national security, he has openly supported a woman’s right to choose and has paid great respect to the Jewish Communities of Russia. He has, however, been criticized for Russia’s censorship of LGBTQ activism.
While not featured in this chart, Lilith is exactly conjunct Putin’s Midheaven and south node. In a heterosexual man’s chart (like Carl Jung, for example), Lilith conjunct the Midheaven has a complex relationship with sexuality in regards to career. Putin has been known to express great respect for masculine figures. When there is a lack of integration of one’s sexual fluidity, the Lilith archetype can activate repressed rage. Along with Pluto, Lilith-MC has a raw kind of power.
Putin’s Libra stellium involving the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune is an interesting mix. Libra is the sign of balance and diplomacy, which Saturn helps implement. Adding Neptune to the mix does cloud things up a bit. If you’ve read my other posts – seeing tight Neptune conjunctions or hard aspects in politics is problematic.
Particularly Mercury-Neptune. There is an awkward, maybe at times elusive communication style here. Is this person telling the truth? Asking someone with Mercury conjunct Neptune a yes or no question often feels like they give shady responses – whether they are intending to or not.
Venus in Scorpio is intense regarding love and money. At times secretive. Mars in Sagittarius, like in Russia’s national chart, goes after what it wants. There is an expansive yet unwavering decisiveness with Mars in Sagittarius.
Uranus squaring Putin’s Libra stellium at 18 degrees Cancer also throws some curveballs. Particularly Uranus square Saturn. Uranus square the Sun makes the native iconoclastic and unconventional, but having natal Saturn square Uranus (especially since that is the major transit we’ve been dealing with the past 2 years) reveals someone who is always a bit on edge. Distrustful of authority as well. Donald Trump, for example, has Sun conjunct Uranus and north node. We know how erratic and unpredictable he can be.
The predominance of air in Putin’s chart reveals an ability to discuss international affairs with dexterity, despite his conservatism. Contrary to his portrayal by the U.S. media, Putin is not a warmonger. He is not a pushover either, however.